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changes, and steady

Cast : koharu
Photographs : satosi
date : June 2004

June 6, 2004, Driving in lightspeed

(please turn on javascript, and finish your work)
I am afraid that your computer may stop.
Because in the lightspeed, the mass of Internet Explorer become infinite so i


walking oyaji

change the world

August 1, 2004 at Fujiidera
Firework View of the Giants

I and Matsu and Yasu went to see PL's to divert Matu. We saw in distance but it is the point. Yes, we hate a crowd. Matsu bring his tripod(is it a club activity?). When I notice that Matsu missed his way and he had stop the navigation, I turned left, we arrived on the bridge. "Yes, that bridge is here." You are fine. I found this bridge, so it's my bridge.

People stood in the line on the whole bridge, so I think it is interesting to take the all people and make the panorama view, but I stayed because I want the time to see.

Does fireworks spread into spherically, does not? I have seen them in the distance of 100m, I could not feel sphere. If we looked them in distance of the 1m, we can more feel spherical(we can also feel more hot). Now we assume the distance between Fujiidera and PL is 5000m, explosion radius is 50m, the distance between my eyes is 0.05m. If distance of the fireworks was 50cm and radius was 5cm, We could feel spherical of fireworks much enough. Best condition is that radius and the distance of the eyes is the same. So we can feel spherical of the fireworks with the stereoscopic movie shot by the videocameras they are apart from others in 50m, and the distance between the camera and fireworks is 500m. But I notice the fireworks will become just a little sparkler, because we will become 1.5km-height-giants.

Changes and Steady

last update: 2003.08.02